Off the Scroll Holes and Onto the Mats
You open your eyes from sleep in the morning. No one watches and your phone is there, so you jump on and have a look. Your thumb moves to Instagram, and then to Facebook, and then your emails. You mindlessly scroll for a few minutes, and you’re ready to jump out of bed.
Not much is on the agenda today. Sure you go to work, standard. You might go to the gym later in the arvo if you feel like it. Your mates are all busy doing their grown up stuff, so that’s off the cards. It’s a weeknight I guess so what do you expect …
Back to the scroll hole. Back out. Time to get ready.
This is the life of many a people in today’s day and age. Sure life changes, we get older, we assume more responsibility, and as our days transfer more and more to online. Whatever the case, lots of the time there can be a sense of Groundhog Day, when everything continues the same over and over. The pattern I refer to is work, and home, and work and then home.
Back to the scroll hole. Back out.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
– Aristotle
I’m here to tell you that you might need to change some things up. You need a bit of spice in your life.
You need an activity that you can work on, that stimulates your brain with continuous learning, and problem solving and thinking. Your body can do with something other than what you’ve been doing over and over to no avail. Your joints can do with movement in different patterns, and your muscles some exercise that isn’t repetitive and boring.
The journey you embark on ought to get you far away from the scroll hole, even just temporarily. No checks in between sets, no podcasts, no digital stimulation. Life is so filled with screens that you can do with a break from them. Just real stuff, away from the online maze.
You need some new friends that you can hang with, and shoot the shit. Sure you have your group of friends now, but things have changed since high school, their priorities are different, and you don’t see them so much. Hanging out with a crew to do fun stuff every night feels like a dream for now.
Lots of reading there. Let me scroll some more and see if anything has changed since the last time. Ok now we’re back.
The activity I am discussing with you right now is [drum roll] Gracie Jiu Jitsu. It’s everything above and so much more.
Newbies often come from hearing about it on Joe Rogan, or watching the UFC, and they quickly develop a love for the mats. They’re challenged mentally, and physically right from the get go. You encounter a community of really nice people, and begin to foster some genuine relationships.
In jiu jitsu you find a new passion and it invigorates your life. No more staying at home of a night time twiddling thumbs and sitting on your phone or Netflix. There is a jiu jitsu class and you need to work on your moves. So you go in. You sweat, you play, you laugh, and that by all accounts is a great night.
Sure this is also my experience of life before and after jiu jitsu. But as a jiu jitsu school owner, and coach to over 200 students, I hear it and see it all the time. Jiu jitsu changes lives for the better, and it can very well change yours too.
If you’d like to try it out and see if it’s for you, Higher Jiu Jitsu has the most seamless beginner experience and we’d love for you to come in and have a go.
All you have to do is click here and you’re on your way.
Let’s do this :)