Jiu Jitsu Saves the Day
You exercise to get fit. The goal is somewhere in between being lean, looking good, and feeling great. You push yourself as much as you can, because you value your appearance, and you want to look after yourself.
But still, you’re feeling a little dull.
It’s work, gym, home, and then back to work. Things don’t feel like they’re progressing; you do the same things over and over and the whole routine is starting to get a little tedious. It’s almost like you’re stuck in the mud.
Just reading about it makes you bored.
It’s just so easy to stay wired in the everyday hustle and before you know it you’re quickly get swept up in the chaos of life. The first thing that goes is the time to care for yourself. It happens to everyone, and you’re not alone.
You know you need to prioritise activities that allow you to relax and re-energise. But first you need to acknowledge that your brain is just as important as your muscles.
Your brain thrives in curiosity. When you’re bored, you become stale. Being fit is important, but your program is boring, and your knees are crying for a rest from pounding the pavement. You long for excitement. Something to sweep you off your feet, and make you feel alive again.
This is around the time that jiu jitsu comes to your rescue.
A place in the city called Higher Jiu Jitsu is inviting you for a free trial class.
They say you learn real self defence there, but it’s still really safe and enjoyable for beginners. And you get to learn how to move and be healthy. And their reviews are an emphatic five stars.
So you go in there, and what do you know?
It works!
The movements looked a little tough, but you’re guided through them, and eventually you get the hang of it all. And then it comes to the techniques and while it’s a little uncoordinated to begin with, after numerous attempts you get the knack of it.
The rest of the class then rolls but you get to sit out and watch those same techniques you just did yourself be put into practice, only so much faster.
You see that everyone trains with a smile on their face. They’re all having fun. You start to realise that this isn’t fighting at all. This is magic. It’s your bones, and it’s leverage, and it’s pure.
You’re curious, and captivated. Questions arise like a can of worms. You need to know more. What if he does this? Or what if I do that?
You’re now hooked. You have the bug.
Just like that, things will never be the same. Like a kid in a candy store, slowly but surely you are introduced into the world of jiu jitsu, health, and the martial arts.
After a while you get to realise that jiu jitsu is the glue that puts everything together. You still run, and lift weights, but only now there is a method to the madness.
You haven’t been this excited in a long time.
It’s because learning is fun. Your brain is continuously stimulated, not by screens but by a syllabus of pure self defence. You are challenged daily, not by the clock but by the attainment of wisdom in the form of jiu jitsu.
You’re now a part of a new community of individuals that form a team with their shared interest for improvement and getting the most out of life.
That dull feeling up there? That’s right, forgotten.
You look forward to the times you get on the mats. You laugh with friends, and you learn new skills. Most of all you’re inspired to keep moving forward.
Some days go awry – such is life. But then you hit the mats, and you move, you drill, and you roll. You leave refreshed and re-invigorated to go out and give your best to yourself and the people around you.
You’re now a different person. You look forward to waking up and starting every day. Your time is sacred, because it’s time you spend on the mats learning, and growing with your friends.
Your life is changed.
And just like that, jiu jitsu has saved the day.
PS. For that free trial, just click here.