What To Expect in Your Free Trial Class
How do you prepare?
Have a shower, and clip your nails.
Pack some water, flip flops, and a change of clothes for after class.
Men- Wear a comfortable, fitted, older t-shirt, and shorts without pockets.
Women – Wear a fitted t shirt and tights.
Show up 15 minutes before your first class.
Remove all piercings, and jewellery.
Use the toilet before class starts.
What about when you get there?
Smile when you enter the dojo, and be ready to meet and introduce yourself to
new people.
Never walk on mats with your shoes on.
Bow onto the mats, and into class by putting your feet together, hands by your
side, and bending from your hips.
Go slow with the warm up exercises. They will be strange, awkward
movements, but are actually very useful.
Be content to observe, watch the behaviours of others, and listen to what is
being said.
No-one expects you to be great on your first day.
Don’t be intimidated by jiu jitsu jargon. Words like gi, and guard, and lapel, and
oss are all part of the jiu jitsu dictionary.
Lower your expectations of your abilities. It is your first day and others around
you have practiced a lot longer.
Pay the process it’s dues – save yourself the hassle of judging your abilities at
this stage.
Will you fight?
Don’t spar in your first class.
Instead, observe the sparring component of the class, even amongst offers to
roll. This will help you avoid negative habits.
Scan the room, and notice the vibe. Does it look safe? Does the instructor pay
Ask the instructor all of your questions you may have after class. Things like
time of training, costs and conditions of membership, and grading process
could be discussed here.